Personalised video
Watching the video is much easier than reading the text. Your mind will 60,000 times faster understand what you watched what you read.

Skoda: Personalised video Christmas greetings We combine and unite the most effective forms of consumer dialogue: video, personal data, and interaction.Video marketingIt is a very lucid medium and thanks to that the advertising message is easily remembered.Personal dataWe efficiently draw the customer’s attention. Based on behavioural information, we customise the promoted offer to meet the consumer’s needs and expectations.InteractivityWe increase the customer’s engagement in the advertised product.

Thanks to VideoMill’s personalised video technology we won Golden Arrow Award (granted by Direct Marketing Association).

Personalised Video Marketing campaign
Creating personalised videos is just the begining. To catch the most interested audience – this is our challenge. How we can do it?
Target group segmentation + video targeting
- behavioral targeting,
- database segmentation,
- video e-mailing,
- video retargeting,
- facebook autoplay,
- youtube preroll,
- display & video display